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Bone Broth

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We’re certainly not the first people to make bone broth.  Any quick google search will yield more information than you want.  Along with tons of “recipes” you will no doubt find copious articles listing a myriad of health benefits.

Mercola, as usual, sums it up nicely.

Full of nutrients and easy to make with very little hands on time involved, bone broth should absolutely be a staple in your healthy eating plan.

This is beef bone broth pictured, however you can make broth from chicken, pork or even fish (increasing the bones to 4 pounds for chicken and 6 pounds for fish).  Always try to make sure that the bones are as clean as possible (pastured/organically raised).  These particular bones are from Sequatchie Cove Farm

We start with about 3 pounds of bones, and try to include marrow and knuckle bone for their unique nutritional properties.

bone broth

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